Research & Development

CoP Monitor published: platforms’ actions against disinfo are insufficient

September 18, 2023 GADMO and the EDMO Ireland Hub have presented a detailed analysis on how major digital platforms deal with misinformation and disinformation. It shows: The platforms’ self-disclosures leave much to be desired. Overall, they do too little to curb the spread of false claims and disinformation. The analysis specifically examines whether Google, Meta, […]

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Media forensics: GADMO researchers develop AI tools to support verification

February 22, 2023 AI models generate texts, images and videos – and sometimes stray far from reality. Currently, systems like ChatGPT, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion impressively show what learning systems are capable of. Many people can interact with the models for the first time, try out scenarios and test use cases. “This step is particularly

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Criminals, COVID, Ukraine – what moves our fact checkers

February 20, 2023 “COVID is no more dangerous than the flu”, “masks are harmful to health” and actually “it is the vaccination against the virus that makes people ill”. Social media has been rife with misinformation about pretty much every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic since it was confirmed that a previously unknown pathogen had

Criminals, COVID, Ukraine – what moves our fact checkers Read More »

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